BALDNESS (Non-Genetic)


Baldness is like a nightmare for any person who loses not only hair but also self-confidence. It can also lead to antisocial personality disorder and depression. It is comparatively found more in men than in women. Pattern baldness is the most common type of hair loss in men. The study shows that; there are two types of baldness, genetic and non-genetic. Genetic baldness is inherited from our ancestors (father-mother/grandparent/uncle etc.) for which there is no natural cure.

As we all well know, restoration of lost hair is not that is easy. However, if your baldness is non-genetical so there is no need to worry anymore. Dr. Kirme makes it possible to get your lost hair back through its innovative, self-researched Ayurvedic medicine, which has a unique formulation of herbs and gets rid of Non-genetical baldness through medicine without any side effects. However, it takes patience and time for visible results.

If hair fall is not treated in time, then you may face baldness. Male and female pattern baldness, irregular lifestyle, improper diet (lack of nutrition), Use of chemical products are some of the major causes of hair loss. While a single cause for hair loss cannot be determined, there may be many other underlying causes too.
- Hormonal imbalance
- Medical Conditions: Thyroid, Covid, Pregnancy, Use of antibiotics, etc
- Stress, lack of sleep, improper digestion
- Dehydration (water deficiency in the body)
- Use of harsh chemical products/chemical treatment
- Dust, wearing a cap or helmet etc.

- The scalp is visible and hairs continue to fall out rapidly
- Lack of proper hair growth
- Day by day the hair becomes dry, thin, lifeless, dull, breakage and the scalp getting smooth